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Prof. Stein Kaasa

Prof. Stein Kaasa

Presentation Roadmap/ Summary

The two models of care: the tumor directed approach with the main focus is to treat the cancer, and the host directed approach which focuses on the patient with the disease. The latter needs to be integrated into modern cancer care. There are barriers and solutions for this integration (Kaasa et al. 2018).

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the presentation, the participant will be able to:

  1. Understand the need for classification
  2. Understand the two concepts – tumor and patient centered care
  3. New insights into barriers and solutions for implementation of patient centered care into main stream medicine

Key Takeaways/ Fast Facts

Key references

  1. Kaasa S, Loge JH, Aapro M, Albreht T, Anderson R, Bruera E, et al. Integration of oncology and palliative care: a Lancet Oncology Commission. Lancet Oncol. 2018.
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