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New Wave | JUMPstart Clinical Nutrition

The exciting educational journey started in Frankfurt Germany and is going to be continued. Find here the international participants who are receiving training, are networking and exchanging with the Scientific Committee. 

Numerous exciting steps are completing the JUMPstart journey!

The JUMPstart Program is designed for physicians and/or scientists aiming to upgrade their research skills in the field of clinical nutrition in critical care and get the chance to win the JUMPstart Research Grant, offering a unique opportunity to electrify their research career!

We already completed 3 of the JUMPstart programs in 2018, 2020 and 2022 and are now happy to run the 4th wave!

The program is divided in a Basic Module and an Advanced Module. During the interactive sessions, the participants get profound insights into designing, budgeting, performing, evaluating and publishing clinical studies along with experience sharing based on their years of expertise in the field of clinical nutrition research.


Highlights from the recent JUMPStart Alumni Meeting in Lyon

JUMPstart 2024/2025

The Scientific Committee

Prof. Mette Berger
Prof. Mette Berger
Prof. Olav Rooyackers
Prof. Olav Rooyackers
Prof. Robert Martindale
Prof. Robert Martindale
United States
Prof. Tim Friede
Prof. Tim Friede
Prof. Isabel Correia
Prof. Isabel Correia

The training is in hands of the 5 Scientific Committee Members, globally acknowledged research experts.

Previous JUMPstart Waves!

Watch now the video with Dr. Zheng Yii, Award winner 2023

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